Serotonin Dealer- Burnley

I have been wanting to go to Serotonin for ages now because I have heard incredible reviews about them, and I have finally found time to head down there! As soon as you walk in, you are greeted by a staff member who is smiling and happy to assist you. They are extremely efficient and professional as they can explain the entire menu without even looking at it once. They are constantly checking on you and making sure you are alright and if you need anything else. The service here is impeccable and I believe that is extremely important when dining out. Their food looked so beautiful so I already knew what I was going to order. I decided to try a healthier option and a sweeter option to get an overall feel of the food they serve.
Positive Pancakes
> Positive pancakes- banana pancakes made with dehydrated organic ground banana flour, served with house-made banana nice-cream, berries + coconut yoghurt, topped with organic agave, fresh strawberries + roasted almond <
The pancakes were an interesting, yet very delicious and satisfying dish. The texture was a little thick due to the banana, however, the flavours were absolutely incredible and very unique. The banana nice cream was actually incredible as it was a little bit icey, but still a very light addition to the dish to help even out the thickness. The berries just topped this dish off perfectly. The sweet and sour flavours worked incredibly well with the drier flavour of the pancakes, making every bit of flavour pop.

Galaxy Acai Bowl
> Galaxy acai bowl- Dairy + sugar free acai ice-cream topped with hazelnut, buckwheat + dried fruit granola, served with a house-made peanut butter + coconut magnum <
The acai bowl looked too pretty to even destroy. The acai ice cream had a really nice consistency as it was very smooth and not too icey. The hazelnut, buckwheat and granola worked amazingly with the acai blend as it added some sweeter sugar flavours to the dish and created a nice crunchy texture. The coconut magnum was a real show stopper and helped make this dish a lot more filling. It was like a small little treat on the side of your meal just to top it off. Overall, this bowl was incredible and is perfect to hold whilst on the swings and having a chat to someone as it is so easy to eat and is very delicious.