Pinkie- Ivanhoe
Acai Bowl
> Acai Bowl with acai, organic crumble, banana, peanut butter and seasonal fruits <
I know you’re probably thinking ‘you are crazy for ordering an acai bowl in this freezing weather!’ and yes I can agree with you, but when an acai bowl looks this beautiful I cannot contain myself. The presentation is absolutely incredible and the taste was even better! Is that possible you ask? Yes! Anything with peanut butter tastes amazing! The acai smoothie had a really nice flavour and the texture was a little watery, but that may have been because I took forever to get this picture! The toppings however helped thicken the smoothie back up and I really enjoyed demolishing the entire bowl. The fresh fruit was super fresh and very refreshing. The granola had a really nice flavour and blended with the peanut butter and acai smoothie very nicely. A very well assembled bowl that anyone can enjoy!

Corn Toast
> Corn Toast with charred corn, miso butter, bacon, herbs, poached egg on toast <
Corn toast is something completely different and a dish that I have never seen on a café menu before, so I had to give it a try. The corn was warm and had a nice charred flavour. The miso butter helped keep the corn in one piece, which made it a lot easier to eat. The bacon was a nice touch as it added a smokier flavour and more solid element. The poached egg oozed over the corn and helped to gel the bacon and corn together. Overall, a very well thought out dish that is perfect for your weekend breakfast!

Avocado Toast
> Avocado Toast with romesco, heirloom tomato, soft herbs, poached egg and halloumi <
Not another avo on toast Piggy! Hehe yes, I am sorry but I couldn’t resist! If you live on this side of town then this is a perfect smashed avo to brighten up your weekend! The avocado was quite chunky, which is perfect when you want to evenly distribute your avo onto the uneven slices of toast you cut. The romesco added a sweeter element to the meal as the juices from the capsicum were very strong. The halloumi was a perfect addition and topped the dish off perfectly.